Category: ADA Web Accessibility

  • Why is Web Accessibility Training Important?

    So, you’ve engaged with a web remediation specialist and improved your website’s digital inclusivity. What’s next? To avoid moving backward and introducing new accessibility barriers, your team should attend an accessibility training session. Let’s discuss why digital accessibility and accessibility training are so important and how they can benefit not only your users but also […]

  • Choosing the Right Web Accessibility Solution

    In today’s digital age, ensuring that your website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is not just a legal obligation but also a moral imperative. With the implementation of laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the European Accessibility Act (EAA), businesses must prioritize website accessibility to avoid potential legal […]

  • 2024 Mid-Year ADA Lawsuit Trends

    As we reach the midpoint of 2024, website owners, developers, and content creators must stay informed about key developments in web accessibility and ADA lawsuits. These issues can significantly impact your online business, and being proactive is critical to protecting yourself from potential legal challenges. Understanding ADA Lawsuits The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ensures […]

  • The True Cost of ADA Lawsuits

    As a business owner with an online presence, you’re likely familiar with the importance of keeping up with legal requirements and ensuring your website meets certain standards. However, one area that might not be on your radar but deserves serious attention is web accessibility and the potential for ADA lawsuits. Understanding Web Accessibility Web accessibility […]

  • The European Accessibility Act: How to Prepare

    In an increasingly digital world, accessibility is more than just a buzzword—it is necessary. The European Accessibility Act (EAA) is a transformative piece of legislation that will significantly impact businesses and organizations across the European Union. Understanding what the EAA entails and taking proactive steps to comply can ensure legal compliance, expand your audience, and […]

  • 5 Common Image Alt Text Mistakes

    If you’re a website owner, developer, or content creator, you’ve probably heard about the importance of alt text for images. Alt text, short for alternative text, is crucial for web accessibility. It helps people with visual impairments understand what’s in the images on your site, using screen readers. It also has SEO benefits, helping search […]

  • What Are The Most Accessible Shopify Themes?

    Hey there, Shopify store owners, developers, and content creators! If you’re reading this, having a stunning online store is critical to attracting customers. But have you ever thought about making your store accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities? In today’s digital age, digital accessibility is crucial and more than just a buzzword. It’s about […]

  • Why Web Accessible Fonts Matter for Your Website

    Design, page layout, and navigation all play a big role in making a website accessible. But the smaller details—like font—are just as important. Designing accessible content isn’t just about picking an easy-to-read font. Even with accessible fonts, people with low vision, cognitive, language, and learning disabilities might still have trouble reading due to factors like […]

  • New ADA Title II Guidelines: What You Need to Know

    For years, digital accessibility advocates and state and local governments have grappled with the lack of clear guidelines regarding web accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Thankfully, that’s about to change. On April 8, the U.S. Attorney General signed a new rule under ADA Title II, setting clear web accessibility standards for state […]

  • 5 Best Practices for Maintaining Web Accessibility

    You’ve dedicated a lot of time and money to ensure your website is accessible to users with disabilities. But web accessibility is not just a one-time task; it’s an ongoing commitment. Once your website or app is built or remediated, how do you keep it accessible? Maintenance. Maintenance is one of the most important pieces […]