Tag: Website Accessibility Tools

  • Why is Web Accessibility Training Important?

    So, you’ve engaged with a web remediation specialist and improved your website’s digital inclusivity. What’s next? To avoid moving backward and introducing new accessibility barriers, your team should attend an accessibility training session. Let’s discuss why digital accessibility and accessibility training are so important and how they can benefit not only your users but also […]

  • Choosing the Right Web Accessibility Solution

    In today’s digital age, ensuring that your website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is not just a legal obligation but also a moral imperative. With the implementation of laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the European Accessibility Act (EAA), businesses must prioritize website accessibility to avoid potential legal […]

  • 5 Best Practices for Maintaining Web Accessibility

    You’ve dedicated a lot of time and money to ensure your website is accessible to users with disabilities. But web accessibility is not just a one-time task; it’s an ongoing commitment. Once your website or app is built or remediated, how do you keep it accessible? Maintenance. Maintenance is one of the most important pieces […]

  • Do You Need Web Accessibility Monitoring?

    Your website is now accessible, but there’s more to be done. Web Accessibility is not a one-and-done task – it’s an ongoing effort to make sure that everyone can easily use and access your site. While remediation is an excellent first step, the truth is that you’re just getting started. You now have to keep […]

  • Why Accessibility Overlays Might Make You a Target

    Why Accessibility Overlays Might Make You a Target

    For many website owners, ensuring their site is accessible to everyone, especially those with disabilities, is a priority. This makes sense, not only from an ethical standpoint but also from a legal one. Web accessibility has become a hot topic, with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) taking action against websites that fail to provide […]

  • Heading Towards Web Accessible Content

    Heading Towards Web Accessible Content

    Content is the backbone of your website. You’ve crafted a brilliant website or churned out stellar content, but have you ever paused to consider if everyone can access and experience it? If your website’s content is not easy to find, navigate, and consume, you risk losing visitors and potential earnings. The importance of having web […]

  • Understanding Image Alt Text Descriptions

    Understanding Image Alt Text Descriptions

    Even though digital transformation is progressing rapidly, many online businesses still lag behind in making their websites accessible to people with disabilities. This is partly due to a lack of awareness or technical knowledge of different accessibility issues and how to solve them.  In this article, we will cover one of the most common accessibility […]

  • AI for ADA Web Remediation: Is It the Right Choice?

    AI for ADA Web Remediation: Is It the Right Choice?

    The web, a vast and sprawling network of information, has become a fundamental part of our lives. From education to work, communication to commerce, it shapes how we interact and learn. However, it’s not always as accessible as it should be for everyone. Web accessibility is a pivotal matter that guarantees everyone, including people with […]

  • A Comprehensive Guide to ADA Web Compliance

    A Comprehensive Guide to ADA Web Compliance

    As a business owner, you are likely aware that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal law mandating inclusion for people with disabilities in all areas of public life. Did you know, however, that these protections also extend to websites? The number of website accessibility lawsuits has steadily risen — from 2,314 in […]

  • Do PDFs Need To Be Web Accessible?

    Do PDFs Need To Be Web Accessible?

    PDFs have become a content staple for online businesses. From brochures and forms to e-books and reports, everyone uses PDFs, and with good reason. They’re compatible with most online content and are the ideal way to share and view information online. But have you ever considered how accessible these documents are for disabled users? Despite […]