Tag: Web Accessibility

  • 2023 Web Accessibility Lawsuit Trends and Insights

    2023 Web Accessibility Lawsuit Trends and Insights

    Web accessibility is no longer just a buzzword for the tech-savvy; it has become a crucial aspect of every online business. The surge in ADA-related lawsuits in 2023 serves as a wake-up call for website owners, developers, and digital marketers. Ignorance is no longer bliss, and understanding the trends can be the key to safeguarding […]

  • What is Web Accessibility & Why is it Important?

    What is Web Accessibility & Why is it Important?

    Most of us can hardly conceive what life would be like without the internet. The ability to have the world at your fingertips or the click of a mouse. But what if you can’t use a mouse? What if you can’t see the screen of your computer or hear a video playing? As soon as […]