3 Pay Per Click Tips

3 Pay Per Click Tips

My friends and family who know how successful I am when it comes to running PPC campaigns for my clients always ask me for some free tips and advice they can take back to use on their own campaigns. I generally give them 3 quick and easy tips that they can implement and see instant success.

Add Ad Extensions

One of the easiest ways to make your ad stand out is by adding ad extensions. Google offers 7 different types of ad extensions to choose from (Sitelinks, Location, Call, App, Review, and Callout). Now you have to understand that many times these ad extensions don’t make sense for your business, so don’t go crazy and add them all. So why are ad extensions so important? Simply put, they increase the real estate your ad takes up, and provide more links that can be clicked on giving you a higher click through rate.

Create a Branded Campaign

Let’s say that people are actively searching for your brand name. Do you show up? Does your competitor show up above you? Is one of your competitors bidding on your brand name? Unless you have the greatest SEO campaign humanly possible and no one is bidding on your brand name, one of the above answers is not what you want to hear. These are all common occurrences. You should have a branded campaign to guarantee you convert people who are actively searching for your brand name. It seems so simple, but many companies over look this and lose what should be easy conversions to their competitors.

Add a Remarketing Campaign

How many people visit your site and don’t convert? How many of them instantly forget you exist after they leave and never come back? A lot. Remarketing campaigns are the perfect solution for this problem. Remarketing campaigns track visitors to your site, and follow them to each site they visit after, displaying high quality ads along the way. This keeps your company, brand, or product fresh in their head and gets them to convert even after they forgot you existed.

Now these are just three quick tips that can help your Pay Per Click campaign. If you want your campaign to take the next step in 2015, be sure to follow my subsequent blog posts to get more great ideas.