Keep Your Website Under the Radar
Monitoring with a11y.Radar
You’ve devoted countless hours and resources to making your website accessible. Now, 216digtial is offering monitoring services to ensure you never get targeted by another exploitive lawsuit.
216digital’s ADA Monitoring tool showcases ongoing updates to your website’s accessibility standards and highlights potential violation risks.

Risk Analysis
How does monitoring with a11y.Radar Work?
a11y.Radar ADA monitoring service reports on your ongoing accessibility efforts, whether conducted by your internal digital teams or an outside web agency. Access enhanced dashboards and receive updates to content, code, and user experience that could pose potential blocks to users or threaten your accessibility standards. In addition, our seamless interface lets your team members view current issues and manage pending adjustments.
As a business owner you have enough to worry about, leave it 216digital to ensure you remain compliant.

Staying Web Accessible is Easy with a11y.Radar
Accessibility Radar Features
Whether you’ve already been served with an ADA non-compliance lawsuit or want to prevent being targeted, Accessibility Radar was created due to high client demand to provide a hands-off way to make sure you stay out of the crosshairs.
Dashboard Display
Keep your finger on the pulse of your website’s ongoing compliance at-a-glance with the Accessibility Radar Dashboard. Quickly check your current compliance against your risk tolerance thresholds to determine if you need to take action to prevent frivolous litigation.

Speak with a Professional about ADA Monitoring
Prevent Lawsuits
Mitigate Frivolous Legal Risks
Through our extensive experience and collaboration with key legal players, 216digital has determined the metrics and red flags that cause companies to get hit with ADA non-compliance lawsuits. We know exactly how to take the target off of your back so that you can forget about the ambulance chasers and focus on growing your business.

Avoid Litigation
Meet a11y.Radar
After completing many successful ADA remediation projects, the majority of or clients had the same question – how can we make sure this doesn’t happen again, and who do we reach out to if we need further WCAG 2.1 AA expertise?
Thus, a11y.Radar was born. a11y.Radar was created specifically to help web business monitor their ongoing compliance and to be a expert resource.