In this week’s Digital Marketing Round-Up we’ll cover tips to optimize your conversion rate, how to make your SEO content writing stand out, and whats next for the Penguin update.
July 14th, 2015
Conversion Rate Optimization Tips
So you’re getting visitors to your site but they aren’t converting. What can you do to turn those visitors into customers? Start optimizing your acquisition strategy for conversions.
- Message Match – Make sure your ad copy is true to what your product or service offers. If a consumer gets to a landing page and finds what they expected to find, they are less likely to bounce from your page.
- Help Your Customer Be Successful – Conversions are more likely to occur when a customer is confident in the quality of the product. This confidence can come from a variety of things, but offering support and customer engagement can make a customer feel secure in their purchasing decision.
- Keep your landing pages short and simple – Provide enough information to the consumer for them to act on the CTA. Consumers who are in the purchasing phase of the sales cycle don’t want to read more information than the information they need to buy.
Targeted SEO Content Writing
Great research is the key to SEO content writing.
- Nothing destroys readers trust like factual errors in a piece they were using to help make a decision in the purchasing process. That is why research is at the top of the list when writing content for SEO, get your facts straight and then start writing.
- Divide your readers into segments. For example, customers who are researching your product, customers who are getting to know your product, and customers who have a long lasting relationship with your product.
- As long as you are putting your audience first then your consumer will put trust in your knowledgeable and relevant content.
The Penguin Update is Still Months Away
While the Penguin refresh isn’t knocking on our door step, it is still important to be complying with all the best practices (cough cough mobile responsive design).
- Currently Google is dealing with a slow running Penguin algorithm, which is far from the goal of an algorithm that runs in real time.
- Google is working towards a continuously updating Penguin, versus what they have now, which is data that has to be manually refreshed.
- Until then we will abide by rules like easy to crawl site link structures, mobile responsive designs, and well thought out content.